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Author: DevROAN


Advantages of the Polyurethane Foam in Comparison To Other Isolation Materials

Advantages of the polyurethane foam in comparison to other isolation materials

What to use for single-family house insulation? Only polyurethane foam.

Choosing of the insulation methods is very important when you build a new house or renovate the existing one. This choice decides whether in the future you will enjoy the warmth of your home and receive low bills for heating, or if the money you spent turn out to be WASTED. Currently there is no better insulation method than polyurethane foam. By choosing our company’s foam spray service you will save about 50% of money that you normally spend on heating. Producer gives 25 years warranty for the polyurethane foam, and guarantees that its insulation properties will not change during that time, and that your house will be well protected from cold and heat.

Sanberg Europe is not only a distributor of polyurethane foam spray reactors, but also a Certified Polyurethane Foam Insulation Contractor. In the early phase of our activity, we gained experience on the Western European market. We learned how to provide an excellent customer service and it is now our best advertisement. Working for foreign customers in Germany and Ireland is very challenging considering the quality of service. If Polish company is to receive a job in Germany, their performance must be perfect – just as Sanberg’s. Nearly 70% of our services is provided for German customers. So ask yourself, why we don’t have to advertise on the Internet or in the industry press, while other companies do? The answer is very simple – we already have a lot of customers in Germany and Poland and we perform services on their recommendation.

Below I present comparison of different materials and their thermal insulation properties. It shows that 5cm of foam provides the same level of insulation as a 170cm thick wall. 5cm of foam equals 8cm of mineral wool, in therms of insulation performance. The advantage of polyurethane foam is an optimal heating with a minimum layer.


There are many thermal insulation methods available on the market – polyurethane foam, Styrofoam, cellulose, various types of mineral and glass wool. What is the best for your house, family members and your wallet? Only polyurethane foam! Here are some of the advantages of polyurethane foam, which show you that Polyurethane Foam is the best way to isolate your house.

  • One of the most important assets of polyurethane foam is the quick return of money incurred on insulation. Every year you save around 30-50% more money compared to savings resulting form traditional insulation methods.
  • Insulation with polyurethane foam brings benefits not only in winter. During the summer the foam protects you from the heat. If you have the air conditioning in your home, you will appreciate the benefits of polyurethane foam as an insulator very soon. The air conditioner will not turn on so often, so you will also save money on room cooling. Thanks to foam isolation you will enjoy a pleasant coolness on hot days. The advantages of polyurethane foam will be appreciated strongly by those who have attic bedrooms and on hot summer nights they can not sleep because the attic feels like a heated oven.


What really counts in our lives? Only the health of our family.

  • Health is the basis of a happy life. Polyurethane foam is indifferent to the environment and to your health. It doesn’t generate dust, harmful gases or vapors. No microbes, parasites, insects, molds and fungi propagate in the foam.
  • Polyurethane foam isn’t dusty, unlike mineral wool or glass wool. It means that there are no harmful particles floating in the air that could enter our lungs and cause respiratory diseases.
  • By choosing polyurethane foam you avoid factors that cause allergies. No bird nests or rodent lairs will be found in the foam. Animals do not like the foam because they can’t eat it or chew it. They do not feel comfortable in its surroundings because it’s not soft or cozy for them. For example, in the mineral wool, martens are nesting, and that’s not healthy as they carry the mites. Also, birds do not make nests in the foam layer because it is a synthetic material and it is not tasty for them.
  • Polyurethane foam can be sprayed on various materials – wood and wood-based panels, sheet metal, steel, pap, polystyrene, tile, plastic, mineral wool and glass wool.
  • Foam is a perfect acoustic isolation. By choosing foam spray for insulation, you gain quieter house as well. It is especially important for premises located near communication nodes, bus or train stations, airports or noisy workplaces and factories.
  • Polyurethane basic form is liquid – it expands when sprayed, reaching all the accessible spaces it is required to fill. Other insulation methods don’t have this ability.

This small investment in your house may pay off more quickly than you imagine. Foam reduces risk of fire and roof damage caused by high winds.

  • In recent years we observe a lot of weather anomalies. Winds break roofs or damage their structures. Polyurethane foam joins the elements of the roof structure, creating a compact body. Thanks to low mass it does not weigh the roof structure.
  • Polyurethane foam may save your house from being consumed by the fire. As the foam is not flammable and the fire goes out on it, it may turn out to be your lifework saver.
  • Polyurethane foam spray gives a consistent thermal insulation throughout the entire roof surface. There are no thermal bridges. Other types of insulation do not provide this consistency, and therefore your precious heat escapes into the atmosphere through the gaps. And with the heat, your money goes as well.
  • And now a small portion of numbers and foam data. The foam thermal conductivity is 0.020-0.038. For mineral wool the thermal conductivity is 0.032 to 0.042. Polyurethane foam will not change shape over the years and will keep its insulation properties. For mineral wool, however, the insulation properties will deteriorate over time. (różnica w stosunku do punktu “Myth #3: Mineral wool isolates heat better.”)
  • Air escapes easily through the wool. Our money is blown into the atmosphere. Polyurethane foam transmits air too, but not as much as other insulating materials.
  • If you spray foam onto the wooden construction, it will not cause its rotting. Even if the wood is damp at some places, the foam will let the steam excape. Metal sheet does not rust under the foam.
  • Applying foam onto the metal sheet provides considerable protection of the latter from atmospheric conditions.
  • Once the wool gets damp it clumps together and its insulating properties are lowered. The wool starts to sag and the thermal bridges expand systematically. This doesn’t happen with the foam. The foam sticks to the foundation and remains stiff and does not sag like mineral wool. Open-cell polyurethane foam will absorb water only a little, and will also give it away. That is the reason we say that the foam breathes.

Our polyurethane foam spray service takes one working day. Do not wait for the construction crew and don’t waste your nerve, time and money. We will do everything for you.

We perform spray service promptly and swiftly, so that it actually saves your time and money. It’s not uncommon that availability of professionals during the season is very limited, and you’re forced to wait for somebody to install the mineral wool you already purchased. When after several weeks the professionals finally arrive, they perform their service throughout several days. Additional costs can surprise you in the process, for example for installing the mineral wool with binding, for nails, etc. In contrary to rockwool, polyurethane foam is installed in a 250m2 attic in only one working day. The crew starts their work in the morning, and leaves at 5 o’clock, the job finished. Customer is satisfied with a new, expertly applied insulation, and the company is free to send their professionals for another job.

Ocieplenie poddasza pianką poliuretanową



Polyurethane Foam Spray Reactor. Hydraulic or Pneumatic.

Pneumatic and Hydraulic Machines for Polyurethane Foam Spray.

Undoubted advantages of pneumatic machines are: their very simple construction, small dimensions, better mobility and lower price compared to hydraulic machines. Pneumatic machines reach an operating pressure of 250 bar. They require less electricity than hydraulic reactors. The disadvantage of hydraulic machines is the greater need for electricity comparing to pneumatic reactors.


Hydraulic Polyurethane Spray Reactors are more efficient and the are used for polyurethane foam spray on large surfaces, such as halls, hangars, warehouses, poultry farms and more. The advantage of these machines is the low air consumption – 400l/min, whereas in pneumatic machines it is as much as 1000l/min.

Hydraulic Polyurethane Spray Machines are much heavier than the pneumatic types, because they are equipped with a tank for hydraulic oil and with a hydraulic actuator responsible for pumping the agent into the spraying part.

Moving the hydraulic machine is difficult because of its dimensions, larger than in case of pneumatic reactors. The most important feature of the hydraulic machines is their stability. The stream of sprayed foam is very strong and uniform. In basic and cheaper pneumatic models there is a smaller power and minimal pressure fluctuations. This doesn’t, however, affect the quality of the sprayed foam as the agents are pushed in the same proportions to each hose.

From the wide offer of Sanberg Polyurethane Foam Spray Reactors everyone can chose such a machine, that will meet their specific needs. Sanberg SG-100, Sanberg SG-200, Sanberg SG-300 are the pneumatic models. Sanberg SG-400, Sanberg SG-450, Sanberg SG-500 i Sanberg SG-550 are the hydraulic models.


It is worth noting that hydraulic and pneumatic machines differ in power consumption. The Pneumatic Polyurethane Spray Reactor’s electricity demand can reach maximum 11kW. The Hydraulic Polyurethane Spray Reactor may require up to 22kW of electricity, if you order a version with stronger heaters. If your hydraulic machine has an electricity demand of 22kW, then it requires a large power generator.